JAM Achiever series - Hydrogeology Part – 2

Hydrogeology Part – 2 Vertical distribution of Ground water Zone of aeration Consists of interstices occupied partially by water and partially by air. Sub divided into the soil water zone, the intermediate vadose zone, and the capillary zone Zone of saturation All interstices are filled with water under hydrostatic pressure. The saturated zone extends from the upper surface of saturation down to underlying impermeable rock. phreatic surface - is defined as the surface of atmospheric pressure and appears as the level at which water stands in a well penetrating the aquifer. Saturation extends slightly above the water table due to capillary attraction; however, water is held there at less than atmospheric pressure. Water occurring in the zone of saturation is in commonly referred to simply as groundwater, but the term phreatic water is also employed. Types of Aquifers Aquifers may be classed as unconfined ...