The Black Smokers

Discovering Black Smokers Unknown of the Ocean Base The Enigmatic Black Smokers Do you ever consider those black enormous chimneys which release the dark clouds of smoke from the bottom of the sea? These fascinating structures which are also referred to as black smokers are quite wonders of the underwater geophysical geography and are home to a myriad of young research interests and biological importance. Hydrothermal vents and black smokers Black smokers are a sort of hydrothermal vent that exists on the boundaries of tectonic plates and the areas of volcanic activities. These vents are formed through the hot water that is procured through cracks in the floor of the sea, by the under ground geological heat. The water is progressively heated and turns into steam, which goes up along with various dissolved minerals and materials from the Earth’s crust. When this superheated, mineral-laden water is expelled from the seafloor, it mixes with the colder seawater which makes the dissol...